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Hey MMS! Do you like helping people? Do you have what it takes to be a role model for others? Then the MMS Ambassadors might be just for you!

  • Leading the 5th grade elementary school students as they tour MMS in the Spring
  • Assisting with Open House night
  • Serving as peer mentors for students new to Darien and MMS
  • Providing tours for New Student Orientation Day in August

Students will be required to complete a student questionnaire via Google Forms. Your parents will be asked to give their consent for your participation. Teams will be asked to provide input on student applicants once they have completed the application process. Once the Ambassadors have been chosen, there will be an in-school training session new Ambassadors are required to attend.

Please complete your application by Wednesday, March 9th. You can access the application here, by visiting the MMS Counseling webpage here (and clicking MMS Ambassador Program in the left column) or by asking your counselor!